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July 28, 2021Strengthening Our Human Defenses
It’s natural to want to protect those you care about and depend on. But, when people perceive you as a know-it-all, it can sometimes be difficult for them to take your advice. This can put you in a precarious position. And when it comes to health and safety, these can be particularly prickly areas. So, while you may want to do your best to try to save someone from unnecessary grief or worse, offering help can be a slippery slope.
When it comes to cybersecurity, how you convey critical information matters tremendously. The reality is that many people don’t know as much about cyber security threats as they should. Ignorance leaves people as open targets for cybercriminals. People of all ages, at work and home, need to have their defenses ready.
Do you find yourself telling the people in your life any of the following?
Don’t share your banking information!
Never tell anyone your password.
The IRS is not coming to arrest you!
Please stop taking those social media quizzes.
It’s a fine line not to come across as scolding while maintaining your relationship. What can you do to make your point without alienating the other person? Nobody wants to hear, I told you so. None of us want to be condescended to by a boss or colleague. But, what do you do when you realize someone needs to know more than they do? They’re a risk to themselves and others.
No matter what you do, remember that your delivery matters. If you alienate the other person, it can make them feel less than, and your intended message will be lost. What’s worse, they may not want to learn in the future or try to cover up their mistakes to avoid a reprimand. Finding the right balance is critical when it comes to small business cyber security training.
What’s the Best Cybersecurity Training Solution?
First, you’ll find most people are receptive to messages that are relevant, engaging, and fun. And if you can create learning scenarios that foster friendly competition, with a small reward, if possible, you can get even bigger buy-in. For instance, tutorials that gamify learning and catchy videos that keep people’s attention tend to work well. Plus, learning a little at a time is less overwhelming when it’s incremental. Incorporating simulations like phishing emails can also help open people’s eyes to see how vulnerable they can be without pointing a finger. Again, it’s all in the delivery.
When we work together as a team and look out for one another, we can do our best to fight cybercrime. In the end, we’re only as strong as our weakest link. It only takes opening one email, downloading one attachment, or clicking one link to impact an entire organization adversely. So, teamwork is critical. We need to support each other, not berate. Everyone can be part of the solution, and everyone needs to be part of the solution from the top down for maximum safety.
Taking the Next Step
If you need help with cybersecurity training that strengthens your organization’s members in a non-punitive way, contact Athreon. Athreon offers a free Dark Web scan and baseline security risk assessment to help set your entire team on the right path towards a healthy cybersecurity posture. Contact Athreon at 800.935.0973 to get started.