Transcription Service Myths – Debunked
December 9, 2020
Are You Getting Poor Quality Transcripts?
December 23, 2020Speech to Text for Fortifying Efficiency and Situational Awareness in Law Enforcement
Police departments around the country need efficient solutions to keep them prepared and effective while doing their job. However, many police departments are realizing they lack the right tools to achieve optimal efficiency and readiness. Various tools are being integrated into law enforcement to collectively improve data handling in a way that keeps police departments on top of critical movements and trends that pose potential threats to public safety. In short, data, the possession of data, and how much of it a department can hold or collect sits at the very top of policing effectiveness through the acquisition of tools that improve Situational Awareness.
But what is Situational Awareness, and how do we work to improve it continuously? It is more than just an officer being aware of their surroundings and taking stock of any given situation while on patrol. Situations require situation management. What to do? When and how? And these questions are better addressed with more, rather than less, information that we can have at our disposal to make the most qualified decisions to drive effective outcomes.
With advances in technology, we have seen the introduction of cameras, microphones, sensors, drones, GIS, and more geared at the collection of essential data. Collectively coined the Internet of Things (IoT) these tools work to provide the most efficient modes of data collection to help shorten timeframes and enhance decision-making in critical moments. What’s more, advanced speech to text companies, like Athreon, integrate with the IoT to provide law enforcement transcription service to police departments to supplement and support existing Situational Awareness tools. Collectively, these solutions aid in the acquisition, processing, viewing, and authorized sharing of secure information across validated users and decision makers.
Since law enforcement transcription involves collecting audio and video that gets transformed into text, it can position departments who have contracted with a transcription service to make stronger data-driven decisions. Accurate data is essential to agencies, especially when it will be submitted to court. Since data is a commodity, the IoT works to narrow the gap of missing information while reducing the amount of time it takes for that information to be collected, collated, analyzed, and made available to critical entities. When done well, this can contribute to the improvement of law enforcement analytics and better support law enforcement artificial intelligence systems that learn from trends, consistencies, and irregularities in data. This is where partnering with an advanced transcription service can play such a critical role.
Take, for example, departments that need help transcribing arrest case video or transcribing arrest case audio. Speech to text companies, like Athreon, can collect this valuable information and transform it into text quickly, securely, and accurately. That text contributes to the improvement of Situational Awareness, especially when it’s done in a way that doesn’t distract officers from their core job duties. Advanced speech to text companies can help highlight the data points critical to supporting case analysis and conclusion while minimizing administrative burdens on police departments and officers.
In the case of Athreon, it is more than a police case transcription service. Athreon provides an end-to-end, CJIS-compatible, highly-secure solution. It supports media collection and helps distribute critical documents where and when they are needed most. What’s more, Athreon’s dictation app is consistently rated as the best speech to text app for officers while on patrol or at their desk. The intuitive productivity app provides access to data on demand. Officers can query historical data through various filters like case number and suspect name. Athreon’s dictation app is a speech to text iPhone solution that users can download for free. Likewise, Athreon offers the best speech to text app for Android users as well.
With Athreon, law enforcement agencies can finally streamline and simplify the administrative aspects of creating documents in a way that promotes improved Situational Awareness. Our objective is to help departments document more quickly, with less risk and frustration, and at a lower cost. For more details, reach out and see how our AI productivity solutions can help your department enhance officer and public safety.