Law enforcement agencies that emphasize physical and mental health can help their officers get in or stay in shape to meet their jobs' demands and mitigate their stress.
As we know, the job of a police officer is one of the most stressful occupations. It takes a particular person and mindset to do this work, which is too extreme for most. Regardless, police officers still need to keep a monitor on their well-being. Law enforcement agencies that emphasize physical and mental health can help their officers get in or stay in shape to meet their jobs’ demands and mitigate their stress. In this blog, we will discuss the pivotal role that exercise and fitness play in keeping officers in better readiness so they have the energy to maintain and the motivation to perform at the top of their game.
Fitness is more than just a New Year’s Resolution to be forgotten by February. For police officers, it should be a way of life. Not only does it help you face the grueling demands the job places on your body, but staying fit can also keep your mind sharp and your senses better attuned to any situation you may encounter. Just remember, before starting any exercise routine, consult with your doctor. And to keep the momentum going, find a workout buddy who can help motivate you when you’re keen to skip the gym.
For starters, exercise doesn’t have to be backbreaking to be effective. But it should be consistent, challenging, and follow some sort of structure. To begin, plan out your week in advance. Figure out the days and times you can schedule your exercise, and stick to them. Most officers should strive for a minimum of 3 to 5 days per week. Each workout session should last 30 to 60 minutes. And for your routine, keep it simple but effective. You can work out at a gym or home or both. Workouts can be indoors or outdoors. Changing your workouts as the weeks go by can also help keep them exciting and you more engaged in doing them.
Yes, cardio can be tedious. But, when it comes to the treadmill, getting your heart rate up doesn’t mean that you have to run until your heart is beating out your chest. A brisk walk of about 3 mph or faster for about 35 minutes will do the trick. Plus, this pace keeps it simple enough to commit to regularly. Remember, while running is important and recommended to keep your leg muscles fit, walking is more sustainable for maintaining your routine long-term. Be mindful of your age, current fitness level, and your long-term goal when formulating your fitness strategy.
And, don’t skip the weights. Be sure to incorporate weights into your routine. If free-weight lifting isn’t part of your regular gym habit, you can use the cabled or Nautilus machines. Just make sure to use enough weight so that it feels challenging but not so much that you feel like you’re in an all-out death struggle. Do 3 to 4 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions each, and aim to do at least 3 different weight lifts per day. Many fitness apps can guide you with weightlifting routines if you’re unsure what weightlifting exercises are best for you. Be mindful that pushing too hard right out of the gate may only make you want to quit your routine. Start easy.
If your police department provides gym access, take advantage of their physical training resources. Some agencies even provide a suggested set of exercise movements for each body part, which takes away a lot of the guesswork. When in doubt, try doing 4 sets of 25 push-ups but mix it up and add some quick exercise movements like pull-ups, burpees, mountain climbers, or planks. And, check out YouTube for exercise demos that can help guide you. If you have access to a pool, you can swim. If you can’t see yourself in the gym, why not get outdoors and go hiking? Fitness doesn’t have to be boring. It’s only limited by your imagination.
Of course, while staying in shape is essential, so is making sure you have a plan for staying on top of your documentation so you can go to the gym. An excellent way to do this is by using a police case transcription service like Athreon. Athreon has various methods to capture your spoken word through their dictation app. Their speech to text app makes documenting interviews and incident reports faster and more straightforward. With their police transcription service, police officers can get their documentation done more accurately and with less effort. So, whether it’s transcribing arrest case video or transcribing arrest case audio, Athreon’s speech to text iPhone and speech to text Android apps can make your work easier.
Contact Athreon for a no-risk free trial to see how they can help free up your time and reduce your stress.