Speech-to-Text Transcription Solutions for Hospice & Palliative Care

EMR Transcription | Speech Recognition | Virtual Scribes | Dictation

Hospice & Palliative Care Dictation Solutions That Bolster Physician Productivity

Doctors and medical directors in hospice and palliative care have complex and stressful work. According to a 2020 study from Tertemiz and Tüylüoğlu, “Burnout is a significant problem among healthcare workers and signs of stress and cognitive-sensorial, physiological, and pain complaints are particularly common among those working in palliative care units.” Patient acuity, heavy caseloads, supporting distraught family members, and processing grief associated with patients dying can take a serious toll.

To mitigate the demands, it’s essential to have a way to create patient narratives smarter and more efficiently. Since physicians can speak three times faster than they can write or type, creating patient records with your voice makes good sense. Whether you see patients in their homes, a long-term care facility, a hospital, or an inpatient hospice center, our audio-to-text transcription solutions help you increase your productivity by 20%. We invite you to learn about our options for dictation, speech recognition, and medical scribing solutions.

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Charting Specialists That Understand CMS Requirements

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) require patient charts to be complete, thorough, and patient-centric without over-documenting. Records need to reflect salient details and be accurate. This is why we assign our clients documentation specialists experienced with the nuances of hospice and palliative care dictation, including those proficient at creating Certifications of Terminal Illness (CTIs). We help you to create patient-centric notes that satisfy regulatory requirements and enhance care quality for patients and their families.

On average, our transcriptionists, speech recognition editors, and virtual scribes have approximately 15 years of hospice charting experience. We aim to help you create consistent documentation that supports the care plan, orders, and your observations, along with those of the other members of the care team, like nurses, chaplains, and social workers. Our solutions make it easy for you to clearly document Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) scores, disease progression, and prognostic statements in the hospice CTI.

Palliative Care Dictation Services That Satisfy CMS Requirements

We've worked with many EHRs over the years, and there's a good chance we've worked with yours. Athreon is EHR agnostic, so we can support any EHR you’ve selected. However, when it comes to populating data in your EHR, CMS doesn’t want to see checkbox charting or cloning records, which can lead to a ZPIC investigation. However, they also don’t want to see over-charting, so it’s critical to be succinct while providing clear explanations and using just the right amount of detail. Hospice documentation not only impacts how your business gets paid, but it helps you defend against legal, regulatory, and other scrutiny.

Audio Capture Options That Save Hospice Physicians Time

Athreon offers the dictation capture methods you want, including options for visual cue prompting to promote charting consistency. Our audio-capture options include smartphones, tablets, telephone, and handheld digital recorders. Our palliative care clients' most popular dictation method is our free mobile app for iOS and Android devices. Physicians can record their hospice dictation anywhere - with or without an internet connection. Doctors that use our solutions save, on average, 10 hours of charting time per week.

We also offer palliative care speech recognition technology with our VoiceNote solution. Or, if you work best by having a remote scribe assist you, our AxiScribe medical scribe option can support you synchronously or asynchronously. Regardless of your speech-to-text preferences, we make it easy for each hospice note to build on the next, justify clinical judgment, and document how procedures support care strategies.

Rated The Best Hospice and Palliative Care Transcription Service

Security should be at the top of your priorities when using any hospice transcription company. Our HIPAA-compliant palliative care transcription service ensures your PHI is always safe. Our physical, administrative, and technical protocols keep your data secure at rest and in motion. We also enter into BAA agreements with our hospice and palliative care clients. Our commitment to security and compliance is another reason physicians rate Athreon as the best dictation company they've hired.

Outsourcing Palliative Care Transcription Helps Lower Charting Costs

Another reason to hire a hospice scribe company is that it's far less costly than hiring in-house employees to handle your charting. Outsourcing lessens employment costs for payroll, medical benefits, square footage, tech, and more. Plus, many hospice centers boost their profitability by 20% with our palliative care speech-to-text transcription solutions. The efficiency achieved with Athreon translates into a robust ROI for your business and a healthier work/life balance for your team.

Hospice & Palliative Care Documentation Solutions That Support Process Improvement

Athreon has been helping physicians in more than 40 medical specialties work smarter, with less stress, and with greater profitability for more than 30 years. For compliance, security, accuracy, support, and AI technology, Athreon consistently delivers the best patient charting ROI. If you’re ready to leave your patient charting at the office and foster a strong work/life balance, contact us for a demo to see how we can help.

Request a free Hospice Audio-to-Text Transcription trial now!