With Cyber Security, the Best Offense Is a Good Defense
October 11, 2022
Strong Cyber Security – Athreon’s Winning Recipe!
October 26, 2022Data Breaches and Root Canals– More in Common Than You May Realize
Take a moment and think about what you dread the most in this world. What induces the most anxiety in you as it approaches on the calendar? We all have something we want to avoid. A quarter of you reading this article are probably thinking about an upcoming visit with your doctor or dentist. There’s something so nerve-wracking (pun intended) about going to a checkup when you anticipate they will tell you something you don’t want to hear. Maybe you need to go to the gym more, change your diet, or sit for a blood draw. Any of these scenarios is enough to make you want to run in the opposite direction. So, why don’t we just avoid the visit?
The answer is simple. If we don’t keep up with our health, we won’t know what’s wrong with us. And if we don’t know what’s wrong, we can’t fix it. Of course, if we don’t fix it, we won’t get better. It’s all interrelated. So, what if I brought to your attention something like a doctor’s visit that you may have been postponing? Something that might not impact your physical well-being, but it could certainly change your life and your business if you ignore it. If you haven’t figured out what we’re getting at, it’s the Dark Web.
Bad actors use the Dark Web daily to buy and sell stolen data. It’s the underbelly of the online world where many illegal activities take place. Even if you never visit the Dark Web, you can’t ignore it. It’s imperative to you and your business’s cybersecurity that you regularly monitor the Dark Web, just like your credit score. If passwords, email accounts, mailing addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, or other PII are compromised, you can address it before it becomes a problem. Not knowing whether your data has been stolen and posted for sale online is just as bad as refusing to keep your doctor or dentist appointment. See the connection? Remember, you can’t fix a problem until you know it exists.
Finding a reliable partner to monitor Dark Web activity is an integral component of a robust cybersecurity strategy. Along with asking yourself, how do I train my employees for cyber security?, you should also be asking how do I find out if my company’s information is on the Dark Web? It’s critical to know if you have any sensitive data posted to the Dark Web, past or present. For instance, if you know employee passwords or emails are on the Dark Web, you can take swift action to shore up your defenses. Of course, if other sensitive information surfaces from a leak, you can contact the proper authorities to take further action. It’s just that simple. You may not like what you discover once you subscribe to a Dark Web monitoring service, but ignorance is not bliss when it comes to safeguarding business data. Unknown data breaches can lead to fines, lost business, lawsuits, and worse.
When you’re ill or injured, your body tells you so that you know to see a doctor. Without Dark Web monitoring, the problem can fester and cause more damage the longer it goes undetected. This is your signal to get a Dark Web Scan! Don’t delay, and don’t risk the danger to your business, clients, or reputation. Contact Athreon for your free Dark Web Scan today!